Explored the largest cultural village located at Papar, Sabah- The Borneo Cultural Village. It's about an hour away from Kota Kinabalu City Centre. I love how we get to do some hands on activities and get an insight into the cultural diversity of the ethnic groups in Sabah. We had lots of food on that day too! It was a great experience indeed as a first timer who have never been to Sabah.

I booked a full day tour from Klook at RM300 / person. The itinerary was as below.


  • Catch a glimpse of the rare proboscis monkey, long nosed monkey and david beckham monkey. 
  • See the 7 ethnic traditional houses (chinese house, brunei house, murut house, kadazan penampang house, bajau house, tidung house, dusun papar house)
  • Try out traditional games / activities
  • Hands on cooking class
  • Watch live traditional dance performance.
  • Fireflies cruise

Things to bring

  • Sunscreen
  • Umbrella
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Camera

My day tour to Borneo Cultural Village and KLIAS River Cruise!

My family and I waited for the driver at our homestay lobby at 9am, the driver was a little late (by 10 minutes) but it was ok because we were so excited! There were nothing much to see while we were on our way there to the Borneo Cultural Village, it was just some villages and some old shops along the quiet road.

Visit 7 ethnic traditional houses
Once we arrived, a tour guide brought us around and explained everything in detail to us. There were 7 ethnic traditional houses, we visited them one by one. The best thing was after visiting every houses, we got to try some traditional food and beverages or traditional games and activities.

Traditional Food Tasting

Full of proteins..?

Bamboo Fire Starter

Body Art

Cooking Session - curry chicken & roti canai
After visiting every houses from different ethnicity, it's time for our cooking session! We learned to cook curry chicken and Indian style pancake (roti canai). One representative from your group will have to cook the curry chicken. Ingredients were well prepared, all I had to do was put in the ingredients and cook by following our tour guide's instructions. Next, each of us were given a dough. We pressed, rolled, flipped and cooked it. We had to eat what we cooked. Yumss.


Live Traditional Dance Performances
It may sounds boring to most of the people because it's traditional dances! It's not the usual street dance battle that would arouse the curiosity in all of us especially to the young generations. What caught my attention was when they need the audience to join them on stage. I walked up to the stage and join the fun without hesitation.

How we kill our time before heading to KLIAS?

Since it was still early, the driver dropped us at a fruit stall and a very old school kopitiam. There was nothing much to buy at the fruit stall, but we did ordered some drinks and snacks at the old school kopitiam. We had Sabahan famous "kopi ais", basically it's just a cold kopi o without ice. Not too bad but again, I don't like coffee.

KLIAS River Mangrove
Enjoy a scenic cruise through spectacular vistas. Catch a glimpse of the rare proboscis monkey, long nosed monkey and David Beckham monkey. We saw many proboscis monkeys from far but as we go nearer, they vanished into the "air". Anyway, we were lucky to see all 3 different types of monkey. Besides, we also look out for monitor lizard and crocodiles. Spotted a monitor lizard up high on a tree whereas no crocodiles were found on that day. I would prefer not to see the crocodile because we were all so darn close to the water surface, imagine seeing the crocodiles eyes just right next to me, I would scream and cry. Hahaha...

Teatime before looking for monkeys.

Spot the monkey

Mangrove lake

Fireflies Cruise
We marveled at the natural light show as hundred of fireflies put on a glowing performance. No doubt, it was very beautiful in a completely dark river mangrove. The downside was I got millions of mosquito bites, my excitement just got ruined so badly. I am being exaggerate but seriously I will not be back again unless I shower with mosquito repellent. =(

It was a productive and well-fed day. Lucky to have Moringa Bioenzymes to help in digestion
If you have extra time to visit other places in Sabah, don't miss this out. Check out Klook to save more on the half day or full day tour.



INSTAGRAM: _megantsy

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