Source: 100comments

Prepare a full-course meal in 3 hours.
Guess who's the "Masterchef" of Cooking Right, Looking Good 2019!

Upon arrival of all bloggers and influencers, we were separated into 8 groups and briefed with the basic rules. After wearing our apron and a toque (white hat), we were escorted to the cooking lab in Berjaya University.

Source: 100comments

Source: 100comments

Each group has it's own cooking station, you should roughly know how it looks like if you watch Masterchef. We have to prepare a full-course meal which include an appetizer, a main course and a dessert to present and explain to the judge in the end. Recipe was given in case if we have no idea on what to do with it. Phew! Don't think I'm able to proceed without the recipe, hahaha...

Source: 100comments


Chef Athira, she has accomplished much for her age owing to her passion for cooking and her immerse ambition.We were lucky enough to have Chef Athira for her professional guidance so we don't burn the kitchen down. Lol! We were taught how to ensure food safety in preparing raw ingredients and ways to maintain our own individual station.

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Source: 100comments

Source: 100comments
Mr Nathan Deverre, Chef Athira and her assistants to assist and ensure everything run smoothly.


Appetizer: Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad
Main course: Italian Seafood Laksa
Dessert: Strawberry Jam Cake

We were given 3 hours to prepare the full-course meal with the real product of Italy - Alcenero for a tastier and more authentic Italian cuisine! It was quite challenging for me as I've never cooked any seafood by myself except for fish and especially curry....this was my very first time. In spite of the intense pressure and cooking under a time limit, I truly enjoy every moment from preparing the raw materials to food decorations.

Ingredients were well prepared

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My cooking partner of the day

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Source: 100comments


We started off by baking Strawberry Jam Cake followed by Italian Seafood Laksa and Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad. Sadly, there were limited paper baking moulds so we were not able to proceed. All we did were focusing on our Italian Seafood Laksa and Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad. Honestly, I had no idea what should be the right color and the right taste...All I hope was the food is edible. 

We prepared one for the judge and one for ourselves.

Our Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad - Not too bad?

Our Italian Seafood Laksa - what do you think? 

We do not have the Strawberry Jam Cake =(

Enjoy the food that we prepared by ourselves.


Congratz to all the winners! My partner and I did not win any best dish prizes but it was a great experience indeed. Look at the full course meal prepared by professional chef Athira and her assistants. It looks more appetizing compared to ours. Hahahaha.... 

Chef Athira and Mr Nathan Deverre was our judge of the day

This is how the food supposed to look like....

Italian Seafood Laksa

Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad

Strawberry Jam Cake


After the cooking session, we explored the booths to learn about the products and collected some samples. There were Oilum, Nutriva and Eubos booth.

Alce Nero

The leading provider of organic food in Italy and now is available in Malaysia!!


Source: 100comments
IG contest: Receiving my gift from Mr Wallace of Nutriva 

Moriheal Rejuvenating Botanical Beverage to support digestive health, immunity and general well being. On top of that, nutritional yeast is a popular vegan ingredient that is rich in proteins and dietary fibers add a great savory flavour to variety of dishes.


Source: 100comments

Recommended by dermatologist. It is a natural skin moisturizer, skin becomes smoother and more elastic after use. Synthetic urea has an outstanding cleansing property.


Oilum products are made with natural olive oil and collagen ingredients that work together in a unique formula that results in younger looking skin

Source: 100comments

Source: 100comments

Source: 100comments

Thank you to the organizer 100comments and the co-sponsored by Oilum, Nutriva and Eubos.

INSTAGRAM: _megantsy

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