Paris, France


My first time landing in The City of Light - Paris. It was also my first ever business trip. Unbelievable. I was really excited that I had this opportunity to fly to Europe but at the same time, I was there to work. Nahh...  It wasn't that fun after all. 

5D4N in Paris, 4 days to work from 9am-6.30pm and spent a day which is the first day to tour around the city.
 My colleague and I moveeeeed our asss from the hotel at around 11am+ after we have settled down. We visited a few places, back to the hotel at almost 10pm and get ready to work the next day.


There are Metro (underground), RER suburban express train which interconnects with the Metro, bus and night bus. P.S Trains usually arrive on time but lack of air conditioning 

Paris and its suburbs are divided into 6 zones. Taking Metro alone is efficient and super convenient,  it will take you all over zones 1 and 2 and anywhere you need to go within Paris City. If you wish to take all types of transportation (Metro, tram, RER, bus), go for RATP tickets. On the other hand, RER is divided into 5 lines (A, B, C, D, E) which get you to your destination much faster. 

Prepare your debit/credit cards and coins!! You'll need it when purchasing a ticket at some of the Metro or RER stations. Else, you'll need to purchase at the sales desk. Same goes to Paris buses, you'll need exact change.

Alternatively, download Uber apps!


I thought French food would be tasty...... but it was kinda disappointing. The ravioli, steak, veal and etc that I had were not as good as I thought. Maybe I went to the wrong restaurants.

However, I would give a big thumbs up to the chocolate roll and croissant. I ate it EVERY morning. Too good.

The people...

Street-side salesmen will lure naive tourists to buy their overpriced trinkets/alcohol at most of the tourist spots such as Musee du Louvre and Champs de Mars.

You might find some of the people being rude. Remember to greet them "Bonjour", always! Most of the Uber drivers that I encountered were impatience, I have no idea whyyy...

I also learned that drinking coffee in a cafe is not about the coffee, it's about people-watching. Sit in a cafe and watch the world go by. Parisians enjoy watching people. I did that in one of the cafe/restaurant being like a Parisian too!

Paris has been a torchbearer of fashion and style for centuries. I was so obsessed with their outfits!


INSTAGRAM: _megantsy

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