Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111


Shilin Night Market is a top tourist destination in Taipei.

For anyone who plans to visit Shilin Night Market, beware of the fruit vendors! They charge the cut fruits by weight (g) so you might end up paying tons of money before you could even enjoy the street food. Apparently, I got "scammed" ......

We were so excited the moment we arrived in Shilin Night Market, my stomach was all ready for the mouth-watering street food. There were many food stalls along the road before entering the main night market. Before we started our Shilin food hunt journey, we were attracted to the fruits from one of the stalls at the main street. I thought we could get some fruits since most of us were unwell. (I was the first who get flu and sorethroat...opss~)

The fruit vendor was being so "nice" that she kept offering the fresh-cut fruits to us, shoving one after another of fruit sample even though we were ready to pay. As long as we said "ok", the fruit vendor quickly cut them up into pieces and pack in plastic before we could ask for the price. This time, we were firmed and said enough, she told us total NT700++. I was shocked! It's almost RM100 for a few packs of fruits (Watermelon, Honeydew, Guava, Persimmon). I didn't know how to react, I felt obligated to buy it. 

My boyfriend came up and questioned the fruit vendor, she immediately weighed the fruits right in front of us to prove that she did not cheat on us. We were just.....what the heck! We didn't want to make things complicated, so we paid. Our Shilin food hunt got ruined. 

After looking at the prices AGAIN, it is actually NTx per 100g instead of NTx. The labels were all faded unless you make an effort to look at it. My fault for not being alert or at least make an effort to look at the price first, but this was totally unexpected, the normal cut fruits we had were all less than NT10 / pack in other places.

Whenever you're here, watch out for the fruit vendors. They are all selling by weight but not all are dishonest.


  • Check the price, NTxx / gram
  • Check the weighing unit 
  • If you're aware of the price per gram and decided to buy, ask the vendor to weigh the fruits in front of you, check the readings and unit price carefully.
  • Reject the transaction before the vendors start cutting the fruit IF you are not happy with the total amount

Share your thoughts :

  1. and better dont buy the fruits you like to eat in tw, coz all are really expensive!
    your case is lagi jialat. i only kena NT90++ for honeydew.

    1. Wow, where did you buy the fruit? Shilin as well? The one I bought in Fengjia Night Market was ok, they were all ready packed and cheap. =/

  2. I paid almost RM35.00 for 3 pcs of Malay Apple (Jambu Bol)

    1. Was that your first time? At least we are all aware of it now =)

